Home Tutorial How to verify a real wallet funding (say no to fake wallet funding)

How to verify a real wallet funding (say no to fake wallet funding)

by Elijah - BBCNOUN
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How to know if payments made into your wallet is fake or real

(step 1) Visit nouonline.net

(step 2) Click on students, then login wit ur Matric and password

(step 3) By now, u should be on ur page. Click on e-wallet

(step 4) Click on view wallet

(step 5) After the page has been displayed, scroll down, what u see next is all payment into the wallet, your Matric, and full name.

After that, you see a table with a column name of serial number(serno) which signify the number of payment entry into the portal.

order ID WHICH shows ur alphanumeric characters in this form?? nou19653489120675556790o

Remita Retrieval Reference(RRR) this is the payment code generated by the initiator of the transaction

And lastly???

date and time, amount and audited and narration… The Date and time also play a role in the verification of authentic payment if truly is made by you or its a fake school fee payment.

Now, back to the verification process of if truly a payment was made into the bank via card or bank deposit

For new students, I know y’all weren’t aware the school portal was changed after a new Vice-chancellor was appointed which led to some changes wit the school system and changing the school website wasn’t also an exception…

All payments made into the school portal from a start date of late 2017 have the ORDER I.D of Matric number+date of payment+remita transaction I. D… FOR INSTANCE,

RRR AS 130112061156

SO THE ORDER I.D WILL BE ???? NOU195333555+0206+TRANSACTION I. D FROM THE BANK… The transaction I. D(always a 6digit code and a single alphabet) from the bank shows the authenticity of the payment. Let’s assume the transaction I. D is 165585E

Then the order I. D will be nou1953335550206165585E

(step 6), any payment made from late 2017 or 2018 must have that ORDER_ID is that form. If your payment isn’t having that order I. D in that form, it means your payment isn’t legit and it’s made using a fraudulent scheme popularly known as wallet funding

The order_id for any fraudulent payment into the school portal are majorly numbers..

Note: don’t be carried away by the CHECK RRR which is displayed when u visit the school site

A fake payment can be checked and also might look real… So be wise…

What am saying, in essence, is that the ORDER_ID Is what differentiates a real payment and a fake payment made by a fraudster

Don’t let any untrusted persons handle ur wallet payments… 

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