Home Tutorial NOUN Course Registration and Exam Registration Procedure

NOUN Course Registration and Exam Registration Procedure

How to register as a returning student in NOUN

by Elijah - BBCNOUN
9.6K views 9 minutes read
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NOUN Course Registration and Exam Registration Procedure

In NOUN, students are required to pay for the course and exam registrations. The price of a course is determined by the credit unit(s) of such course.  They are as follows:

One unit (mostly practical)1,000
Two units2,000
Three units2,500
Four units (mostly  law) 3,000

In a Simple sentence, courses are like subjects u are required to take in a semester and they comprise 2 and  3 credit units. Some practicals in the science department are 1 unit while some law courses carry 4 credit units. 

The maximum number of units a student can register per semester is 24 units. It is not compulsory that a student register for all the courses meant for him/her in a semester but it is strongly advisable to try and register all. 

Take for instance:

Let assume I was meant to register 10 (ten) courses in my 100 level first semester but was able to register 6, maybe due to financial reasons. This means that I have 4 courses outstanding in that semester. Now in the second semester, I am required to register 8 plus the initial 4, it becomes 12 (don’t forget that there may be carryover) now it has compounded. The workload will be much if I am able to register all. If I am unable, the outstanding courses continue and as such, I may end up spending more than the years I am supposed to.

Please try as much as possible to avoid this, it is one of the core reasons many students drop out.

  • Undergraduates exam fee cost N1,000 (One Thousand Naira only) for each course.
  • Post-graduates exam fee is N2,000 (Two Thousand Naira only) for each course.
  • Ph.D. examination fee is N3,000 (Three Thousand Naira only) per course.

If you have any carryover for whatsoever reason, you will only pay the exam fee when re-sitting.

Ph.D. re-sitting is N4,000 (Four Thousand Naira only) per course

Note: You can only register the exams of the courses you registered.

Before you proceed to the course and exam registrations make sure you have registered on the portal as a returning student, you can see this post for the procedure: HOW TO REGISTER ON THE PORTAL AS A RETURNING STUDENT

Also, make sure you have made payments into your portal. You can see this post for the procedure: HOW TO FUND YOUR PORTAL WALLET


Step 1: Visit nouonline.net and login with your matric number and password

Step 2: Click on Registration

Step 3: Click on 2022/2 Semester registration

Step 4: A page will be displayed with your information and also a payment of N18,000, kindly scroll down and click Submit

That’s all, you have successfully registered for the semester


Step 1: Visit nouonline.net and login with your matric number and password

Step 2: Click on Registration

Step 3: Click on 2022/2 Course Registration

Step 4: Select your level and click submit

Step 5: Click Proceed above your matric number

Step 6: Now here is where the work lies, I would advise you do this on a desktop or laptop for a better view, but if on phone you can easily swipe the screen to the left and right to view the complete page.

Step 7: Now click the add button one after the other to add the courses to your course registration page

Step 8: After adding them, click submit

That’s all you have successfully registered your courses for the semester


Step 1: Visit nouonline.net and login with your matric number and password

Step 2: Click on Registration

Step 3: Click on 2022/2 Exam Registration

Step 4: Select your level and click submit

Step 5: Click Proceed above your matric number

Step 6: Now here is where the work lies, I would advise you do this on a desktop or laptop for a better view, but if on phone you can easily swap the screen left and right to view the complete page.

Step 7: Now click the add button one after the other to add the courses to your exam registration page

Step 8: After adding them, click submit

That’s all you have successfully registered your exams for the semester


Step 1: Visit nouonline.net and login with your matric number and password

Step 2: Click on Registration

Step 3: Click on 2022/2 Project Registration

Step 4: Select your level and click submit

Step 5: Click Proceed above your matric number

Step 6: Now here is where the work lies, I would advise you do this on a desktop or laptop for a better view, but if on phone you can easily swipe the screen to the left and right to view the complete page.

Step 7: Now click the add button one after the other to add the courses to your course registration page

Step 8: After adding them, click submit

That’s all you have successfully registered your project(s) for the semester

Follow the same steps to register your carryover Exams and projects

If you encounter any issues while following this procedure kindly drop a comment below. 

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Ola November 4, 2024 - 6:06 AM

if you mistakenly register a second semester course while doing your registration for first semester how do you correct it

Elijah - BBCNOUN November 15, 2024 - 1:29 PM

u can drop the courses at the centre

Muhammad usama barwa October 17, 2022 - 5:46 AM

Please I need a help on how to log in for my TMA pls the site is not logging that is wrong password pls..

Ruth okoh September 30, 2022 - 5:09 PM

Pls I had two carry over exam courses last semester so after my semester registration and course registration, I activated the carry over exam too but am doing my main exam registration for this semester, after selecting and adding the necessary courses I’m offering this semester..I proceeded by clicking summit but it’s not summiting…
It’s will return the page back for me to select the exam courses again which is not selecting…how do I process my exam registration pls cos it’s not submitting!!

Elijah - BBCNOUN October 6, 2022 - 6:43 PM

it means you have exceeded the 24units which is maximum

Eruemuare Anthonia March 22, 2022 - 1:40 PM

An error was made whilst registering my courses, two courses I am not expected to register were registered for me. I was told to contact ICT team… Pls how do I go about it?

Glory February 15, 2022 - 10:57 PM

Please how can you know the number of courses you are to register for a semester?

BamikoLeSMB July 30, 2021 - 3:23 AM

How long will it take to get verified & Matriculation number after submitting online credentials
📌 Yet not verified is what I get often
📌 What do I need to do Pls help

Elijah - BBCNOUN August 6, 2021 - 3:35 PM

kindly visit your study centre for physical verification

Intranet November 27, 2020 - 8:33 AM


Abba Ma aruf November 22, 2020 - 10:37 AM

Pls how many days is remaining to close registration second semester

Elijah - BBCNOUN November 22, 2020 - 1:25 PM

November 30th

Adeniyi October 29, 2020 - 6:34 AM

Please, how will I know the courses am super to register, would they be listed somewhere for me ?

Elijah - BBCNOUN October 30, 2020 - 6:30 PM

you chan check our discussion categories for your course outlines or visit nou.edu.ng

circuit September 4, 2020 - 6:21 AM


Ball August 31, 2020 - 6:18 AM



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