Home Tutorial How to Upload Completed Project & Seminar on (PAS)

How to Upload Completed Project & Seminar on (PAS)

by Elijah - BBCNOUN
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How to Upload Completed Project & Seminar on the Project Administration System(PAS)

Due to the current situation in the world caused by COVID 19, the management has created a platform for the upload of completed project and seminar works, this platform is called  Project Administration System, also known as PAS.

This is a step by step guide on how to upload your completed project and seminar on the project Administration system (PAS). Also, a  tutorial video has been made available for you below to help you walk through these steps.

Step1: visit www.mylearningspace.nouedu2.net

Step2: log in with your correct details (matric and password)

Step3: click on Submit Projects, Seminars, Practicum etc.

Step4: log in with your matric and password again

Step5: Now the next link to click depends on the type of submission you are making, kindly choose either Add a project submission or Add seminar submission or Add teaching practice submission.

Step6: Fill the form with your correct details and also upload your project, seminar or teaching practice 

Note: make sure your file is in a doc format (Microsoft word)

Step7: Preview your submission to confirm or cross-check all inputted data

Step8: Click on Save

NOTE: Once you click on save, a new page will be opened with a notice confirming the creation of your submission, also if any mistake is made during submission you can click on the edit link to edit your submission

Watch the video below:

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