Home Discussion NOUN – Graduands final clearance process

NOUN – Graduands final clearance process

Step by step on how to get your final clearance done

by Elijah - BBCNOUN
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NOUN – Graduands final clearance process

The Management of NOUN has mandated that all Graduating Students pay their CONVOCATION FEE within the stipulated time.

Step by step on how to get your final clearance done

You can pay your NOUN Convocation fee by following these simple steps:


  2.  On the menu, click Check wallet (CLICK HERE). insert your Matric number, then boom! there comes your complete e-wallet statement. Kindly print it out and make sure you don’t have any negative balance. If you do. no worries, during the online clearance below you can pay your debt.
  3. On the menu, click on Determine Amount Payable (CLICK HERE). Insert your matric number. Your final clearance status will be displayed. If you are not owing the school, you would be cleared and a notice will appear below the page stating ” Student NOU123456789 Abatan Samuel Kelvin is hereby fully cleared!“. Then you can view clearance slip and print it out. But if you have a negative balance you are redirected to Remita to generate an RRR for payment. After payment, you should submit the RRR and your Matric Number for verification. If RRR verification with Renita is successful, the clearance process is complete.
  4. On the menu, click Pay Convocation/Gown (CLICK HERE). Fill in your matric number, phone number, and valid email address. click on SUBMIT. You will be redirected to the remita website to pay the sum of N20,000 for both the Convocation fee and graduation gown. Make the payment and print out the receipt.
  5. On the menu, click Submit Convocation RRR (CLICK HERE). Now insert the RRR of the payment you made, and also your matric number to validate your payment.

For you to be qualified for NOUN Graduation Clearance Exercise, the following are required:

– Those whose names appear on the graduating list are to visit the link below and fill out the Exit form, submit and print the result you get after submission: Graduate exit form

–  All graduating students are to pay a sum of five thousand naira (N5,000) only as NOUN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION FEE:  Account name – NOUNAA. Account no. – 1014150406. Bank name – Zenith bank (The receipt for the said transfer must be generated, printed, and presented as evidence of payment. (NO USSD TRANSFERS)

Do not pay online via card or transfer. Take cash to the bank and keep the teller’s receipt.

– Your full name MUST appear on the school Graduation list (Printout of graduation list page showing your name) CLICK HERE to view the 2024 graduation lists.

–  Passport photos

–  Clearance form would be given to you at the study centre

– Printouts and receipts of the payments you made in previous steps

– You must also provide evidence of payment of Jamb Regularization (6,000) and Result verification (Postgraduate: 10,000, Undergraduate: 5,000) (this is already on the e-wallet)

– All the graduating students of NOUN, especially those whose names appear on the New Website, must print out their E-Wallets from their individual portals

– Any Graduating student with a Negative balance in the portal will not be allowed to do the clearance exercise without paying the accruals

– All Graduating Students must Pay a CONVOCATION and REGISTRATION FEE of 20,000 within the stipulated time. If you return the convocation gown in good condition, you will get a refund of 5,000 in your bank account.

– The CONVOCATION and GOWN FEE of 20,000 must be paid via the official NOUN PORTAL only.

NOTE: You only pay N20,000. Make sure you pay only after being cleared online.

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Bolanle oyekanmi May 16, 2024 - 11:02 AM

I just saw my name yesterday on the supplementary list, when can I do final clearance please?

Elijah - BBCNOUN May 20, 2024 - 7:00 PM

any moment from now

Tosin April 3, 2024 - 7:27 PM

Am having a negative balance of 47500, but am not owning school any money before now, how can I complain about this?

Adejumo Mufuta March 29, 2024 - 6:19 AM

I paid final clearance twice how çan I get one back

Rofiat Oladoja March 18, 2024 - 11:10 AM

How do we submit Convication Gown Remtal RRR on the portal

Ololade Olowu March 22, 2024 - 1:27 PM

I have the same question. After payment, please how do we submit the RRR for convocation gown on the portal?

Iaah March 8, 2020 - 12:36 PM

Is it mandatory for all graduands to pay 15k
I’m not intend to attend convocation

Elijah - BBCNOUN March 9, 2020 - 3:37 PM

whether you attend or not, the 15k has to be paid


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