How To Pay for Collection of NOUN Convocation Gown
This is to generate remita number for the payment of Convocation Registration and Academic Gown Fee of N15,000 which Upon return of the academic gown in good condition, within the stipulated time, a refund of N5,000 will be made into the student’s bank account.
How it works:
- Log on to www.remita.net
- Pay a Federal Government Agency
- Type in National Open University of Nigeria
- Select Miscellaneous.
- Description: Type reason for payment, e.g. CONVOCATION REGISTER and GOWN FEE
- Name of Student and Matric Number (e.g.: Yussuf Mariam Sulmar NOU123456789)
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- Select bank branch
- Take the RRR to any commercial bank for payment
- Ensure to collect the RRR receipt from the bank which will be presented at the respective Study Centres.