Home News Student booked for exam misconduct after being logged out of the system automatically

Student booked for exam misconduct after being logged out of the system automatically

by Elijah - BBCNOUN
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Student booked for exam misconduct after being logged out of the system automatically

The latest news getting to us now is about a student whose account has been suspended and booked for exam misconduct after being logged out by the system automatically.

As we all know the virtual exam is currently going on for undergraduates, who applied for the 2020_1 virtual exam. We have been receiving lots of news recently regarding the ongoing virtual exam; we recently got news about a student whose exam was canceled and booked for exam misconduct after taking her exam on a public bus. We have also heard about a student whose exam was canceled and booked for exam misconduct after using an earpiece while taking the virtual exam. When asked, he claimed he mistook earpiece for a microphone.

Well, the report reaching us today is about a lady, a fresher who applied for the ongoing virtual exam, while she was taking one of her registered courses (gst103) she claimed the system logged her out automatically even when she had 40mins left. She logged back in to continue her exam, and when she was done, she got a mail from the DEA that she has successfully taken the gst103 exam.

It was a shock to her when she received another mail from the DEA that the paper she just took has been canceled and she has been booked for exam misconduct.

The message from the DEA reads:

GST103 exam you just sat for has been disqualified.

Reason: Camera blocked

Do not expect any result for this course and you have been booked for Exam Misconduct.

You are hereby disqualified from taking the virtual exams for 2020_1

Your account is suspended.

Though she replied to the mail explaining all that happened, we hope she gets a positive reply soon.

This is a lesson to those who are currently taking the virtual exam and those about to. Once you are logged out automatically by the system kindly send a mail to the DEA instead of trying to re-login to continue.

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