www.bbcnoun.com.ng PAD856 10/10 Structurally, the Igbo political system was based on the -------- as a political unit Village One of these is a distinguishing factor between a state and a nation Sovereignty Who conquered the Habe or Hausa State? The Othman Dan Fodio The Bashorun in Yoruba land serves as the Prime Minister Prime Minister Oba Dosumu ceded Lagos to William Mccosky the Acting Consult in--------- 1861 The Nigerian State of today is a creation of ---------- British imperialism The Yoruba political system could be traced to the ------ Empire Oyo One of these is a characteristics of a state Territory Structurally, the political head of the Yoruba empire was the Alafin Alafin In Igbo Land there is-------------- No form of centralized authority