www.bbcnoun.com.ng PAD807_TMA2 In ____________Panchayati Raj is also known local government Select one: India The lowest rank in civil service is level ___ to _______ 01-06 Nigerian civil service is tailored as the________ system British Nigeria operated a ten year Development Plan between­­­­­_____and ______________ 1946-1956 Which of these is not part of reformation Commission that was set up in Nigeria Select one: Udoji The bureaucracy is often large and __________in skilled manpower necessary for developmental programmes Select one: Deficient The level is termed upper management 14_17 One of the features of underdeveloped countries is __________ and underemployment rate. high unemployment Nation that experienced increase an economic growth, implies that an increase in _____ Select one: National Income Riggs refers to this as _________ for personal expediencies as against public principled interests Select one: Confluence preference