www.bbcnoun.com.ng 10/10 Decentralization democratizes________and brings it nearer to citizens. (C) administration In Nigeria, both the central and state governments have set up a number of undertakings in the________ (B) public sector At the _______Diary schemes, Road transport, irrigation are departmental undertakings (C) state level There is a need to train the ______ before introducing decentralization. (A) managers If the top executives like to concentrate authority in their hands, it would result in_______ (B) centralization ______which are created due to amalgamation are bound to possess a decentralized tendency (D) Organisations Under corporation several individuals who act as _______ (B) one The government needs_______for its diverse welfare activities (B) funds The departmental form of organisation leads to_________ of authority. (B) centralization Public enterprises are divided into ______ types based on the ownership (A) four If recruitment stands for eliminating the political or preventing favouritism it is termed as a (C) negative Corporation differs from the department both in its external relationship with the government and in its procedure with the government_________ (B) enterprises To Max Weber bureaucracy sustained and sanctified by the legal authority, is the most effective form of _______ (C) organisation The______should have an independent finance and posses financial autonomy (B) corporation The world over, single system of__________ has not been adopted (B) personnel The ___________have to be responsible to the public and responsive to their needs (C) public services The company form of organisation is very popular with the________ (B) government The word __________means government by the nobles (D) aristocracy Merit system is superior to the spoils system because it frees the employees from_________worries (B) economic With the setting up of the Joint Management Councils________shall considerably improve. (A) welfare in nigeria, both the central and state governments have set up a number of undertakings in the________ (B) public sector at the _______diary schemes, road transport, irrigation are departmental undertakings (C) state level