www.bbcnoun.com.ng PAD202 10/10 1. The career professionals are guided by ------ among them among them, Impersonal relationship 2. Who coined the acronym POSDCORD Gulick and Urwick 3. All these except one is the importance of Public Administration Welfare services to the people 4. The Bureaucratic theory was propounded by Max Weber 5. Functions Performed by Public Administration in any Political System include Ensure continuity of government activities 6. . Elton Mayo, and Abraham H. Maslow are members of which school of thought? Human relation school 7. Administrative theories are postulated to establish how resources of organisations can best be ----------------- Managed 8. The acronym POSDCORD means ---------- planning, organising, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting. 9. Public Administration is -------------- Interdisciplinary 10. Bureaucracy is characterised by career service, which relies on and adopts rules and ------------------------ Regulations for its operations