www.bbcnoun.com.ng NSC301 Maturity of ego functioning and object relationships Psychological All organisms are capable of ___ stimuli automatic responses A___ is a simple , inborn, automatic response to a stimulus by a part of an organism Reflex This applies when the patient is seriously ill or being treated on an emergency basis in a state of relative helplessness because of a severe injury or lack of consciousness. Active-passivity Patient idealizes the doctor, taking form in transference. The Seductive Patient ___this refers to a state of being aware of a stimulus or event Conscious _ defined Illness as the experience of suffering and discomfort, which may or may not be related to objective physical pathology. Bishop (1994) This theory is based on the assumption that most human behaviour is under voluntary control and hence is largely guided by intention. Theory of Reasoned Action __ are those that occur across the whole spectrum of illnesses. Chronic Illness The term behaviour generally refers to actions or reactions of an organism in response to__, Stimuli