www.bbcnoun.com.ng MTH382 TMA3 5/10 1. Evaluate 2B(10,6) 15015 2. F(x,y)⩽M is called the ______ condition. boundedness 3. f'(x)=F(x,f(x)),f(x0)=y0 is the _______ condition Lipschitz 4. Evaluate Γ(12) π 5. A function f is said to be _______ with period T, If the domain of f contains x+T whenever it contains x and y, f(x+T)=f(x) for every value of x. periodic 6. Evaluate Γ(4) 6 7. The coefficient of x2 in the solution of y'=1+xy by method of 1/2 8. The problem of finding a solution of Laplace equation which takes on given boundary values is known as _______ problem. Dirichilet 9. Evaluate ∫01‍tα-1(1-t)β-1dt B(α,β) 10. The _________ differential equation of order p is given by (1-x2)d2ydx2-2xdydx+dydx+p(p+1)y=0 Legendre Evaluate ∫01‍tα-1(1-t)β-1dt B(α,β)