www.bbcnoun.com.ng 7/10 Given that Z=…,-3,-2,-1,0,1,…, the elements of Z can also be called _____ numbers. Real A ________ variable is of the form x+iy, where x and y are real numbers. complex π,2,3 are examples of ______ numbers. Irrational Which is the correct solution of x2+7x+12=0? -4 and-3 If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is greater than zero. The equation will have two _____ solutions. Distinct real The set of all real numbers EXCEPT, _____ numbers are of utmost importance in real analysis. Complex The _____ value of a real number c is given byc, if c>0c, if c<0 . Absolute If = 14,700,-473,4644,84 . Then, Z is ____. Closed Given that z1=3+2i and z2=4+3i then z1- z2. -1-i If z7=4-3i, thenz7 is 1 1. The equation:x2-4x+5=0 has _____ roots. Negative 2. 2,4,6,8,10 is a/an ______ sequence. Infinite 3. An Arithmetic sequence whose first term is 102 and common difference is -3 has its 7th term as _______. 84 4. Given thatz8=3+2i and z9 = 4+3i. The distance between the two complex numbers is 213 5. Simplify i55 -i B1=m/2