www.bbcnoun.com.ng MAC334 9/10 1. evaluating public attitudes helps the organization to identify __ before they become serious concern potential problems 2. Stockholders and shareholders are primary publics of Multinational Companies because they __ such MNCs finance 3. "Research helps to increase the ___ of targeted communications” relations 4. The __ is a public of Multinational Corporation (MNC) because of the regulatory capacity of the government wherever such a firm operates national government 5. ___ is the last step in Public Relations planning evaluation 6. MNCs or TNCs must cooperate with their __ so as to have peaceful and mutually beneficial stay at such communities. host communities 7. A Public Relations' __ is a people with whom a PR department, on behalf of a larger institution has a committed relationship public 8. ___ succeeds on regular engagement of both local and international media by the organisation media relations 9. Public Relations is primarily concerned about public __ towards a firm. attitudes 10. Its inability or the potential for not completing the communication’s process is a major ___ of Public Relations disadvantage