www.bbcnoun.com.ng MAC316 7/10 1. Gemeinschaft society, meant that people were at their __state Traditional 2. The first category of innovation according to Rogers and Shoemaker is __ Innovators 3. When a new idea is introduced, according to Rogers and Shoemaker (1971) __ all the targets quickly adopt the new idea at the same time 4. Communication is known as a __ Process 5. ­­__ is various approaches or ways of looking at development Development paradigm 6. Emile Durkheim is recognised for developing the __ Mechanic and organic models of development 7. The super paradigm was also known as __ Development paradigm 8. There are __stages in the Diffusion of innovations approach to development Five 9. The __of verbal and non-verbal meaning results in communication Sharing 10. Developed countries typically have__ Staple economy