www.bbcnoun.com.ng MAC113 9/10 1. The Pilot contributed these to the growth of the Nigerian press except __________ introduction of photojournalism 2. One of these was not among the Zik's attributes, which was manifested in the West African Pilot tribalistic tendency 3. One of these is a merit of mass media economic empowerment 4. Iwe Irohin was established in _____________ 1859 5. West African Pilot was established in ____________ 1937 6. These are examples of international media, except ___________ NYA Channels 7. One paper was described as the focal point of nationalist consciousness. Which is it? West African Pilot 8. Under which mass media system is it controlled on behalf of an incapable people? authoritarianism 9. When did Dr Michael Okpara establish ENTV 1960 10. The political organisation under which Pilot flourished was ________ Nigerian Youth Movement