www.bbcnoun.com.ng HED123 TMA 1 10/10 Individuals who use natural products, services, and grace to meet their needs and enhance their overall well-being is----------- consumer The roles and responsibilities of manufacturers on labelling are -------------------- except incriminating Health information, actions, procedures, or deliveries that help meet consumer needs and desires are identified as-------------- Health services The first thing a consumer should do to promote ethical and accurate product labelling is to develop the habit of ---------------------- labels critically when making purchases reading product ----------- are facilities offered to us by various agencies, and organizations with or without payment. Services ------------ refers to information provided on the products to guide consumer in making wise decision that will meet his/her needs Product labelling The group includes healthy people, sick people, young people, middle-aged people, elderly people, rich people, and poor people are referred to as--------- health consumer a field of study educating consumers about what, where, when, how, how much to buy and use what they buy is -------------- Consumer education Some brand names are very popular because of the these except------------ Brand names A written and unwritten principle and values that govern decisions and actions of a business organization refers to --------- Business ethics