www.bbcnoun.com.ng ESM345 10/10 1. The Sahelian drought came in ________ 1972/73 2. Climate determines human ________. physiologic comfort 3. Two industries that located in California due to salutary weather are ________ film and aircraft making 4. The major control on cattle distribution in Africa is the ________ tse-tse fly 5. Fungal spores care spread by ________ wind 6. What is the optimum temperature for reproduction of aphids ________? 26ᵒC 7. Locust migration depends heavily on prevailing ________ wind speed 8. The Ndama and Mutumi breeds of cattle are resistant to ________ trypanosomiasis 9. Crop losses due to insect pests in Nigeria have been estimated at ________ 50 to 60% 10. Head mould in Northern Nigeria's sorghum is attributable to ________ high atmospheric humidity