www.bbcnoun.com.ng 10/10 ______ promoted the importance of social intercourse among people for building goodwill and sympathy among fellow members and to promote cooperation. Judson Hanifan Professor Klaus Schwab and his wife founded ____ Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship _____ (2004) posit that social enterprises are businesses that trade for a social purpose Haugh & Tracey Echoing Green is based in ______ New York ____capital combines elements of debt and equity capital and represents a convenient financing alternative if pure equity or debt capital is not applicable. Mezzanine Rang De is a not for profit online organization in _____ India _____ and Yves Pigneur developed the Business Model Canvas Alex Osterwalder The headquarters of Omidyar Network is in _______ Califonia The full meaning of SROI is _____ Social Returns on Investment Omidyar Network in USA was established in _____ 2004