www.bbcnoun.com.ng Eco122 tma1 10/10 done 1, was only used as a methodological approach to economic problems Ans Macro 2, The following person was well known in economics with the general theory of income, output and employment in the wake of the Great Depression of 1929. ans John Maynard Keynes The Physiocrats adopted __ in the 18th century, in their table Economique to show the circulation of wealth Ans macro 4, __ was first used in economics by Ragner Frisch in scientific approach Ans macro 5, __ can be define as the behavior of the whole (aggregate) economy or economic systems rather than individual economic markets. ans Macroeconomics 6, The most vital differences between micro and macroeconomics is rather than focusing on individual households and firms, it examines conditions within the __ as a whole ans economy 7, Another name for __ is the net product ans circulation of wealth 8, __ was originated with the mercantilists in the __ and 17th centuries Ans: Macro, 16th 9, The following except one is not the goal of macroeconomics Ans Price Control 10, ___ means is a situation in which everyone that want to work gets work Ans Full employment