www.bbcnoun.com.ng 10/10 The art of laying-out or construction of a military camp, particularly an army camp is known as …………. castrametation Any form of violence involving abuse of family members and other forms of aggressive behaviour between two or more people of same family is called…… domestic violence As argued by the…………..school of thought, peace habit can only be engendered through judicious application of force or violence realist The……. is based on the notion that perpetrators of crime often consider environmental factors in their decision to commit crime geographic profiling A violent crime involving the killing of another person is known as………….. Homicide the strategic importance of fortification as a defence tactic was challenged by the introduction of ……….. in the 14th century cannons An obstacle to permanent fortification in modern battlefield is……………. of military technology sophistication ………... are aggressive actions outlawed or prohibited by the state law Violent crime This technique of interrogation involving interrogators watching the body language of the person(s) (or suspects) being interrogated is called….. reid Among the justifications for the legitimate use of violence is that the state exist to …………so as to maintaining law and order regulate human conduct