www.bbcnoun.com.ng CSS491 10/10 1. …..are the most highly vulnerable areas for civil unrest and civil disturbances Large cities 2. According to the …..there are six necessary factors for collective behaviour value-added theory 3. Presently, any violation of prisoners’ rights can lead to prison ….. riots 4. Effects of Disaster on Specific Groups consist of Children, Women and elderly 5. Fatalism in disaster means belief in fate 6. One theory of collective behaviour that is particularly relevant to an understanding of prison riots is the ….. Minimax Theory 7. principle vi. direct interventions have an underlying logic in disaster except Political class only 8. The Stages of Psychological Response to Disasters consist of the following except The normalcy stage 9. The relationship between aggressive behaviour and crowding is well established in the ….. Prison system 10. …..is meant to be an ideal and comfortable environment for reforming inmates Prison