www.bbcnoun.com.ng CSS342 10/10 1. The quantified objectives pertinent to the acceptable level of safety are_________ Safety performance targets 2. Ensuring respect for laws and regulations is achieved by eliminating their _________ Shortcomings 3. Effective risk management leads to ____________ Safety 4. Safety goals of an oversight authority is expressed by stating the_________ Acceptable level of safety 5. Safety performance indicators and safety performance targets are achieved by meeting_________. Safety requirements 6. Acceptable level of safety is determined with ________________ Safety performance indicator 7. The value system of a nation is known via its_______________ National Culture 8. One hundred percent safety rate is ______________ Not possible 9. Repression and prevention approaches are usually observed in addressing the increase in___________. Crime 10. The fight against crime is based on the principles of law enforcement, solidarity and crime__________ Prevention