www.bbcnoun.com.ng CSS242 10/10 1. The latin word that refers to criminal intent or guilty state of mind is Mens rea 2. The breach of a rule or law for which a punishment may be applied by some governing authority is referred to as Crime 3. One of this is an element of crime All the above 4. According to biblical accounts, the first crime was committed by Adam and Eve 5. There are ______________ elements of crime Seven 6. The process where the criminal act must lead to harm without a long delay is termed Causation 7. One of these factors will negate criminal responsibility All the above 8. A person forced to commit a crime against his or her will is said to do so under Duress 9. The Latin word for criminal action or inaction that causes harm is known as Actus Rea 10. Crime is a deviant behaviour that violates prevailing norms Agree