www.bbcnoun.com.ng CRD322 10/10 1. Whenever a member takes a loan from the society, he should sign a loan _________. bond 2. In some cases, officers of the society would have been elected into office in the ________ Meeting. pre-Annual Genera 3. The Cooperative Assistant must teach the members of the societies allocated to him to be able to read and understand the______of the society bye-laws 4. The payment________is used to record monies paid by the Society. Voucher 5. which book records the name of loan beneficiaries loan register 6. Iin the conduct of inquiry, Then the commissioner will look into the books and records of the society with relevance to the inquiry inquiry 7. The cooperative Assistant must write reports on the Cooperative Society from time to time and submit these reports to the__________ area officer 8. In primary Cooperative Societies, at least_________ individuals are needed to enable the society apply for registration. 10 9. An audit is the meticulous check of the________of a Cooperative Society. books and records 10. the Cooperative Assistant use some________machinery which will enable him achieve success in his duty propaganda