www.bbcnoun.com.ng CIT841 10/10 1. Information that is removed in some way from its original form is called ____ secondary 2. ________ is a method in which a special type of computer program generates metadata from digital objects already published Post-publishing representation 3. Bibliographic information that comprised thousands of drawers at large institutions is called ________ card catalog 4. Identify which of the following component that does not comprise of information retrieval system Query Generator 5. What concept readily differentiates traditional search engine from web search engine? World wide web 6. Metadata which contains information needed to archive and preserve a resource is called Preservation metadata 7. A metadata that Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata maintained by the Federal Metadata maintained by the Geographic Data Committee is called ____ Geographic data 8. Non-bibliographic information sources are identified through ______________ directories 9. "________________means the use of operators to express the relations between search keys Query structure 10. "The process of reformulating a seed query to improve retrieval performance is called ------------- Query expansion