www.bbcnoun.com.ng CIT841 7/10 1. The primary objective of ________ is to develop a modular program structure and represent the control relationships between modules. architectural design 2. Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering? design 3. A data store in a DFD represents a repository of data 4. In a DFD external entities are represented by a rectangle 5. A data flow can may emanate and terminate in an external entity 6. Interviews are conversations with _______ purpose 7. Which model in system modelling depicts the dynamic behaviour of the system? Behavioural Model 8. Which kind of interview includes a process in which the employability of the job applicant is evaluated? Screening interview 9. Data cannot flow from an external entity to an external entity because an external entity has no mechanism to read or write 10. Which of the following is not included in architectural design decision? Testing the system