www.bbcnoun.com.ng CIT753 10/10 1. The acronym ASCII represents the --- American Society for Computer Information Interchange 2. Networks can be broadly categorised into the physical and -- components Logical 3. A system of Internet that supports hypertexts to access several Internet protocols on a single interface is the --- WWW 4. Ordinarily, -- provide the main network services in a network Servers 5. The programme that allows users to log into computers on the Internet in order to use online databases, library catalogs etc. is referred to as the -- Telnet 6. Generally, when -- is configured properly, it connects to the ISP by means of the e-mail address and automatically includes the sender's name and e-mail messages. Outlook 7. The network that can span the whole earth is referred to as the -- WAN 8. The --- News is the global electronic bulletin board system in which millions of computer users exchange information. Usenet 9. The -- is a voluntary network in which many computers connected have opted to do so in order to share information in a prompt and effective way. Internet 10. Ordinarily, the -- programme enables users communicate with each other on the internet by typing in real-time Chat