www.bbcnoun.com.ng CIT474 tma2 9/10 _______is the part of the system which takes in the user ‘s query in a readable form and passes it to the inference engine. then displays the results to the user The User Interface The acceptability of an expert system depends largely on the quality of the _ User interface _ Take rule, and if its conditions are true, adds its conclusion to working memory, until no more rules can be applied Forward chaining The collection of facts and rules which describe all the knowledge about the problem domain is Knowledge-base A part of the expert system that allows a user or decision maker to understand how the expert system arrived at certain conclusions or results is known as Explanation facility The use of languages like LISP and PROLOG in the development of an expert system simplifies is known as . Coding process __ Is a benefit of Expert system All of the option Which of the statement is true of Expert system as an Alternative to human Expert All of the option derived from the human expert. Rules are typically structured as If/Then statements of the form: IF THEN The Rule Engine executes and ____ Knowledge-base rules Stores