www.bbcnoun.com.ng CIT445 10/10 ______ is a finite state machine that recognises a RE. DFA _______ represents the natural hierarchical structure of a source program graphical representation The data structure passed between the analysis and synthesis stages is called ________ representation intermediate _______ can collect and use information about the names appearing in the source program. compiler Set of variables that will reside in registers at a point in the program, is done during __________ register allocation Information about the storage locations that will be bound to names at run-time is also kept at ______ symbol table A method for converting symbols into indices of n-entries in the symbol table with fixed size is called ________ hash addressing _______ can be passed either by value, result, reference or name parameter Collision method that uses a hash table called bucket of a fixed size as the symbol table is called _______ chaining _______ is an intermediate in power between the SLR and the canonical LR lookahead