www.bbcnoun.com.ng 08/10 _________ controls the traffic between a personal computer or workstation on one side and the Internet or enterprise network on the other side Firewall Criterions for building a web application involves having good understanding of which of the following? All of the options Network security tools and devices exist to help organizations protect _________ All of the options _________ is the process of designing a blueprint of your web application. Wireframing A _________ is simply a collection of data database _________ is the visual element of your web application Frontend Which of the following is NOT an advantage of client server computing? The cost of setting and maintaining a client server model are quite high Which of the following is NOT a parallel programming model? Mainframe Parallel programming The acroymn SQL means_______ Structured query language Which of these is a Demerit of client server computing? If all the clients simultaneously request data from the server, it may get overloaded. This may lead to congestion in the network.