www.bbcnoun.com.ng CIT381 7/10 1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a virus? Virus is a standalone program (ANS) 2. A folder is A storage area for files and programs (ANS) 3. Which mechanism is used by worm process? Spawn process (ANS) 4. What is extension of Microsoft Word Document? .doc (ans) 5. What is Trojan horse? It is a useful way to encrypt password (ANS) 6. What is trap door? It is a hole in software left by designer (ANS) 7. ____________ is when free portions are chained together by using a pointer and length value in each free portion. Linked List ((ANS) 8. ________ enables users and applications to access records. Logical I/O (ANS) 9. A______ consists of a number of record File (ANS) 10. A ___________ is the basic element of data Field (ANS)