www.bbcnoun.com.ng 9.00 _________ floating point is the most common representation today for real numbers on computers IEEE Standard 754 ______ denote the (real) floating-point number on that computer R(t, s) the number of binary digits in ______ is finite and cannot exceed certain limits that are characteristics of the particular computer at hand. fraction exponent of 2 I and II Arithmetic elementary floating-point operation generated error is harmless, except in the case of ____ subtraction, To what extend does arithmetic used on computers respect the laws of ordinary arithmetic. Not at all ______ denote the number of binary digits allowed by the computer in the fractional part t The "function" is the solution of a problem and the "_______" are the data in the problem arguments the development that has made it necessary to standardize floating point arithmetic is aimed to facilitate ___________ portability ______ denote the number of binary digits allowed by the computer in the exponent. , t _________ is the functions used for a small amount of input data interpolation