www.bbcnoun.com.ng 6/10 The common names for C2 mono and dicarboxylic acids are__________ acetic and oxalic acids Predict the compound formed from the reaction : C2H5ONa + CH3Cl → ? C2H5OC2H5 The functional group present in carboxylic acids is called___________ carboxyl group Which of the following structural features is common to both aldehydes and ketones? ˗COOR When two alkyl groups are attached to the hydroxyl bonded carbon atom, it is termed__________ Primary alcohols Which of the following is not a five membered ring? pyridine During the formation of the peptide bond which of the following takes place? all of the above which of these is most resonance stabilized? thiophene These are the physical properties of alcohols except________ Alcohols with more than twelve carbon atoms are liquids at room temperature The common name for the C4 unbranched dicarboxylic acid is___________ succinic acid