www.bbcnoun.com.ng Bus317 TMA3 10/10 Standard hours give a measure of how long it takes a process or workpiece to pass through each _______. operation manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors are concerned with the _______ of goods and services. production _____ is referred to the interchangeability of standard components and between different end-products. standardization simplification is the process whereby the range of components and/or final ______ are reduced. products tone is a _______ measurement commonly used in the industry. Weight The words _____ and productivity are sometimes used interchangeably. Production ___ capacity is based on some units of measurement that are common to the mix of the products planned Production engineering refers to the organization of the _______ process as a whole. Production _______ is carried out to ensure that finished products reach a required standard and to reduce the amount of scrap and wasted labour. Inspection __ system consists of input, process and output. Production