www.bbcnoun.com.ng BIO412 8/10 1. A decree to regulate traffic in endangered species in Nigeria was promulgated in____________ 1985 2. Increased populations of damaging species may create _________problems regeneration problems 3. ______ is the study of organism in relation to the surroundings in which they lives. ecology 4. Clear cutting and_________provide the best means of creating favourable habitat to damaging species slush burning 5. The aim of wildlife management is to maintain and improve wildlife and control animal population by managing the ____ habitat 6. A highly contagious disease of domestic and wild animals as well as of humans is Anthrax 7. Game management is the term applied to the production and harvesting of ____ for sport. animal 8. Forestry practices exert well defined effects on wildlife 9. Kainji Lake National Park located in ___state Cross River State 10. ______are most often found in the early deciduous tree and shrub phases of natural succession. sheep