www.bbcnoun.com.ng BIO206 10/10 1. What is the median for the following these numbers: 2, 5, 4, 1, 8? 4 2. Grouping people based on their age and colour assist a researcher in conducting stratified sampling 3. If a researcher sets a level of significance at .05 (5%), what does this mean? Five times out of 100, a significant result will be found that is due to chance alone and not to true relationship. 4. A sample of n observation is taken from a population would have x mean 5. Which of these statements is correct about the F distribution? It is the same as t-distriution 6. Which among the following options is part of biostatistics? All the options 7. In which of the following fields is statistics applied? All the options 8. Number of birds in a pen is a good example of a/an discrete variable 9. Which of the following statements about the t-statistics in regression analysis is not true? the t-statistic is equal to the regression coefficient divided by its standard deviation. 10. Experimental design is an aspect of biostatistics that describes how to collect, organize, summarize and analyze data