www.bbcnoun.com.ng 10/10 A direct cost of losses arising from risk is depicted by Decreased morale of workers from occurrence of risk Among the alternatives, isolate an internal source of information for risk detection Existing documents Identify the proper sequence of risk management process Identification,evaluation,measurement,administration,and monitoring Which of the following is not an examle of systematic risk? Changes in management decisions Isolate the option that is not among the internal risk of a business Financial risk Who is a risk averter? An individual who is not willing to stake in excess of the expected return The production operations within an organisation is depicted by Flow chart To consider risk identification in conjuction with its evaluation may be regarded as Risk analysis Which of the following types of risk can arise as a result of the possibility that the firm might violate the obligations of a legally binding contract? Compliance risk What can arise when the prevailing operational risk or personal risk cannot be avoided or reduced by the corporate entities or individuals? Risk retention