Telegram group: ====== POL343 ====== 1. Behavioural science movement started in ....... --->> 1940 1950 1960 1970 2. the father of modern management Plato Easton --->> Fayol Weber 3. .........theory was developed within the context of pluralist paradigm of politics game systems social --->> group 4. Behavioural school of administration was founded by ...... --->> Mayo Fayol Frayol Weber 5. The systems paradigm in politics was popularised by ....... Weber --->> Easton Plato Mandella 6. Theory that describes power relationships in contemporary society is........ --->> elite systems games group 7. centres on cognitive process within organisation and the natural world Applied Social Natural --->> Behavioural 8. .......asked a basic question about the relationship between politics and economics Weber --->> Marx Easton Plato 9. .......theory is the interrelatedness and independent parts that is natural or man-made group --->> systems games Behavioural 10. .......theory is a reaction against Scientific --->> Human Relations Behavioural Leadership