Telegram group: ====== POL341 ====== 1. Taking decision in adavnce on what to be done in public administration is known as -------- --->> planning budgeting advancement progressive 2. The --------- approach tries to establish linkages bewteen the study of public adminsitarion and government institutions behavioural legal --->> institutional structural functional 3. The local government reform of -------- was considered ephocal and regarded as turning point in Nigeria --->> 1976 1977 1978 1979 4. One of the basic components of public administration is----------- research design comparative politics --->> public policy policy analysis 5. The essence of public corporation is to enhance --------- services to the people tax --->> welfare profit business 6. During colonial rule, the British adopted -----------rule policy direct participatory directive --->> indirect 7. A government set up to enhance communal development is ------------ government confederal unitary central --->> local 8. Policy -------- is one of the duties of civil servants summarsault --->> formulation condemnation ratification 9. Democratic participatory school of thought sees local government as a way of -------- democracy --->> promoting harmonising limiting delegating 10. The evolution of public administration in Nigeria could be traced to ---------colonial era post --->> pre the neo