Telegram group: ====== POL231 ====== 1. A ------- diplomacy employs threat to persuade an opponent within the international community democratic carrot --->> coercive diplomatic 2. The -------- approach boosted the study of international relations after the outbreak of second world war --->> scientifc historical classical structural 3. Game theory was developed by--------- and Economists that were concerned about political phenomenon Biologists Sociologists Political Scientists --->> Mathematicians 4. During the cold war era, Nigeria adopted the principle of ---------- western bloc balance of power --->> non-alignment collective security 5. Power is believed to be central to the understanding of international politics according to the ------ school of thought --->> realist idealist traditionalist global 6. The application of ----------- is key to idealism force --->> moral stick carrot 7. State actor enjoys a------ government as one of its significant attributes loyal --->> sovereign central national 8. The --------level of analysis focuses on behaviour and actions of individuals as key players in international system state --->> individual system regional 9. One of the strong instruments and tools of foreign policy is ------- --->> economy globalisation personality dialogue 10. According to Morgenthau, the most stable factor upon which the power of a nation depends is ------ --->> geography population government sovereignty