Telegram group: ====== PHY461 ====== 1. In vector calculus, Stoke’s theorem relates line-integral to volume integral surface integral to volume integral scalar product integral to norm --->> line integral to surface integral 2. Arrange the following electrode configurations in the ascending order of their depth of investigationnn(P) Dipole-Dipolen(Q) Schlumbergern(R) Wennern(S) Pole-Polen R – S – Q – P P – Q – S – R --->> R – Q – P – S R – Q – S – P 3. The heat flow through a unit area of the Earth’s surface is given by the product of --->> vertical thermal gradient and thermal conductivity B horizontal thermal gradient and thermal conductivity horizontal thermal gradient and thermal conductivity vertical thermal gradient and thermal diffusivity horizontal thermal gradient and thermal diffusivity 4. The Fourier transform and integral of the Dirac delta function respectively are --->> 1 and 1 zero and zero zero and 1 1 and infinity 5. Which one of the following geophysical methods is most suitable for exploration of possiblenhydrocarbon-bearing sediments underlying the Deccan Traps?n Seismic --->> Magnetotellurics DC resistivity Airborne EM 6. The radial dependence of the solution of the Laplace equation in cylindrical coordinates isnexpressed in terms ofn --->> bessel function Legendre polynomial Exponential function Hermite polynomial 7. Which one of the following transforms relates the real and imaginary components of harmonic electromagnetic (EM) field? Fourier transform Laplace transform --->> Hilbert transform Wavelet transform 8. For an electrostatic field, the Maxwell’s equations reduce to Wavw equation diffusion equation helmholts equation --->> Poisson equation 9. Which one of the following functions is used as a source-term to obtain the Green’s function of a boundary value problem? Heaviside unit step function Exponential function Rectangular function --->> Dirac delta function 10. In general, geophysical inverse problems dealing with real data obtained from field measurements are --->> line-integral to volume integral surface integral to volume integral vertical thermal gradient and thermal diffusivity horizontal thermal gradient and thermal diffusivity