Telegram group: ====== PHS821 ====== 1. Components of School Feeding Service nutritional services --->> food consumption services feeding services food procurement services 2. Common nutrition related health problems among learners in Nigeria include the following except______ Protein-Energy Malnutrition Kwashiorkor --->> Wasting Pellagra 3. Organ meats are rich source of _________ Vitamin E Vitamin K Vitamin D --->> Vitamin A 4. All these but one are school health programme evaluation tools Standardized test Questionnaire Interview guide --->> audio playlist 5. __________deals with making efforts to ascertain that preset goals and objectives are being or have been attained Impact --->> Evaluation Sustainability Relevance 6. All these but one are principles for school health programme evaluation except_________ Clear unambiguous objective in purpose --->> haphazard 7. All these are Indicators for Healthful School Environment except_________ Availability of water --->> School farms and gardens Existence of school health clubs Avoidance of School violence 8. ____________ occurs when nutrient intake is higher than what is needed Undernutrition --->> Over-nutrition optimum nutrition ultra-nutrition 9. All of the following except one are risk factors for obesity Heredity/Genetic make–up Food choices --->> Excess physical activity Cooking methods 10. Sea foods are rich sources of__________ --->> Zinc Manganese Fluorine Phosphorus