Telegram group: ====== PHS805 ====== 1. About methodology, one of these is not true it should contain enough information to determine the quality of the method used the information should be sufficient to ensure replicability --->> it is not necessary to include the sample size information on the research setting should be included 2. One of the following is not true about case control studies it involves a backward look at the association between exposure and outcomes it is effective for the study of rare health conditions --->> it does not require the use of a control group it is usually limited to one outcome alone 3. One of the following is not a type of statistical sampling simple random sampling stratified samping --->> logical sampling cluster sampling 4. Ethical issues --->> they apply to all types of public health research informed consent is not necessary for public health research confidentiality may not be explained to the participants assent of parents is not needed in the case of minors 5. Which of these is true about linear regression? --->> the dependent data must be a continuous data it is used to calculate the linear relationship between three variables it is similar to correlation in every respect there are three types of linear regressions 6. About narrative studies they are not appropriate for personal they do not examine the whole picture they use well structured guides to collect information --->> they use a semi-structured guide to collect data 7. The following are steps in investigating the relationship between two continuous variables, except? drawing a scatter diagram --->> the independent variable is plotted on the Y-axis Y = bo + b1 X can be used to express the measure of linearity b1 is the slope coefficient 8. In moderating a focused group discussion, one must make sure the narrative is only controlled by one participant some humor is frowned at a question and answer format is ideal --->> does not need to comment on everything said 9. One of these is not a type of measurement scale in public health --->> discretionary values ratio scale ordinal scale interval scale 10. The ratio scale does not have nominal property --->> has a true zero point may be non metric they cannot be continuous variables