Telegram group: ====== PCR311 ====== 1. One of the greatest enduring legacies of Nelson Mandela was his involvement in _____ campaign Anti-abolitionism Anti-terrorism --->> Anti-Apartheid Anti-corruption 2. Which of the following Nigerian great personalities of peace is described as the “Lioness of Lisabi” for her leadership campaign against arbitrary taxation of women in Nigeria Margaret Ekpo Queen Amina --->> Funmilayo Kuti Alele Williams 3. Obafemi Awolowo philosophically confronted life’s challenges with ____, perseverance and optimism Vengeance Self-segregation Aggressive Response --->> Equanimity 4. John F. Kennedy’s political philosophy was based on ____ Socialism Community --->> Liberalism Confucianism 5. Kwame Nkrumah was widely viewed as an unbending advocate of African _____ --->> Unity Colonialism Imperialism Expansionism 6. Ahmadu Bello's greatest legacy was the modernisation and ____ of the diverse people of Northern Nigeria --->> Unification Segregation Proselytisation Rehabilitation 7. Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence was encapsulated in the concept and method of ____ Confucianism Hindusm Taoism --->> Satyagraha 8. Nnamdi Azikiwe adopted the _____ traditional peace facilitation method to resolve the NCNC crisis in 1956 Gacaca --->> Aro-Ndizogu Ndigbo Omoluabi 9. Which of these great personalities championed the Zionist Movement that led to the creation of the State of Israel --->> Golda Meir J.F. Kennedy Martin Luther King Jawaharlal Nehru 10. The political philosophy of Gold Meir stemmed mainly from her early life experience of _____ Domestic Violence --->> Racial Persecution Poor Education Poverty