Telegram group: ====== PCR271 ====== 1. __________________is a species of conflict --->> War Insurgency violent Aggressive 2. ____________________ refers to conflicts among political groups carried on by armed forces of considerable magnitude. violence strike --->> War Violent 3. Stages of Peacebuilding and Reconstruction include all the following except? Cessation of Hostilities --->> Organization Military Reorganization Reconciliation Versus Justice 4. Principled negotiation comprises of all the following except? People Interests --->> Community Criteria/Legitimacy 5. _______ saw nothing wrong in conflict, he saw it as a natural and inevitable human experience and as a critical mechanism --->> Rose Hobbes Locke Quicy 6. All the following are the various stages of conflicts emerging in different parts of the world except? Formation Stage Escalation Stage --->> Latent Phase Crisis Stage 7. The_____________ do not see conflict as negative in their language, rather conflict means “an opportunity or chance for change as well as risk or danger Indian African --->> Chinese Asian 8. Non-violent conflict has the potential to become violent if the regulatory mechanism is _______________________. Effective --->> Ineffective Good very effective 9. Conflict take on a wide variety of forms and have been classified on the basis of its ______________ of violence Equillibrum weight Gravity --->> Scale 10. __________ involves the use of or bringing a third party to intervene with respect to a conflict. It can also be referred to as a facilitated negotiation. Reconciliation --->> Mediation Arbitration Litigation