_____positional bargaining yielded too much in a negotiation to the stronger party and led to an undesirable outcome. Soft Who among the following philosophers developed the crude law of social relations? Morton Deutsche Who among the following persons that pioneered the next important evolutionary stage in conflict resolution? John Burton The Evolution of Conflict Transmutation”, gives an indepth account of the evolution of conflict _______ Resolution ___________ itself became the ultimate value system and was stressed as the critical factor for conflict resolution. Cooperation ____________ wrote an article in 1949 titled, \"A theory of cooperation and competition\' Morton Deutsche ______ positional bargaining was competitive, adversarial, and often led to undesirable outcomes for the weaker party Hard Fisher\'s and Ury\'s model of cooperation led to a kind of amoral theoretical approach that becomes the ultimate value system in ____________ conflict Resolving All the followings are strategies for conflict Resolution except Mediation ____________ conflict behavior always perpetuate itself and could result in destructive behavior Competitive