Telegram group: ====== PAD409 ====== 1. A letter classified as Urgent means It must be treated without delay Drop every other thing and treat it --->> It must be treated within 24 hours It must be treated within two days 2. One of the following is not part of the security classification of documents Top Secret --->> Security Secret Confidential 3. All letters received should first Be given to the officer concerned Be given to the Manager --->> Be recorded Weighed 4. Letter that need attention are classified as Today --->> Treat me Immediate or at once Urgent 5. A letter classified as Treat within 24 hours Treat before closing --->> Set aside every other thing and treat it Treat not later than the following day 6. The overall purpose of a report is to Pressure --->> Communicate Invent Integrate 7. A speech is successful if The audience do not understand the words used If many are found sleeping The audience is left more confused --->> The message is succinctly delivered 8. A letter classified as Be put in the In-Tray --->> On the officer's desk In the officer's chair be given to the officer physically 9. In the Public Service files are not classified as Secret --->> Private Open Confidential 10. Ethics backed by law is called --->> Code of conduct Code of Ethics Code of manners Code of