Telegram group: ====== NSC407 ====== 1. Cost of drugs is a---- Intangible cost Non-direct cost --->> Direct cost Non -medical cost 2. First point of contact with the health system is --->> Primary health Care Specialist hospital Teaching hospital General hospital 3. A specified 12-month period during which operational and financial performance is measured is called Yearly budget --->> Fiscal buget Supervised budget Incremental budget 4. The process of comparing actual results with the results projected in the budget is--- Appraisal Assurance --->> Controlling Planning 5. The plan for the allocation of resources is------ Financial Control --->> Budget Plan Expenditure List 6. Contributory main problems in health sector include all except Allocation Internal inefficiency Inequity --->> High cost 7. Cost containment in health care delivery includes all except- Monitoring Cost awareness --->> Self awareness Management 8. Reduced productivity related to ill-health is----- --->> Indirect cost Direct cost Non-medical cost Tangible cost 9. All are direct medical cost except---- laboratory test payment for X-ray cost of pills --->> cost of Snacks 10. A budget set regardless of changes is---- Zero- bases budget --->> Fixed Budget Rigid bugdet Variable budget