the tympanic membrane is connected to the oval window of the inner ear by the following except ----- scala what part of the brain accounts for its largest portion of total weight? cerebrum the pituitary gland has a diameter of 1 cm the location through which nerves exit and blood vessels enter the eye is optic disc An increase in blood …………. levels stimulates calcitonin secretion calcium the zona glomerulosa is about ………. of the adrenal cortex 0.15 the inner part of the adrenal gland is the ……….. adrenal medulla The CNS is an ectodermal derivative that begins to differentiate in the …………….. intrauterine week in humans. 3rd ………….. are derived from neuroepithelial cell and differentiate through uni, bi to multipolar neurons. Neuroblast the cranial part of the neural tube differentiates into the 3 brain vesicles during the …………… week of development 4th